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Indigo Essences New Energy

The New Energy series no. 1 to 7 were made in 2001 in the place called DragonHold. They are very different from any essence I have ever made. When I made the New Child series, all information was already processed in these essences; they had a lot to do with my own development. However, this time it was different. I got the feeling that something was being brought into me that would help me in the future. I had no idea which gems would be involved in these essences, but what their effect would be, but some time later everything became clear. The instructions were very simple. The gems were placed in a circle on a large scale, and I felt the energy move and fuse itself between the gems that did not exist before; hence the name New Energy. The other 3 essences in this series, Eight, Pop and Diamond Light have been created in a more conventional way.

NEW ENERGY SERIES - product overview


Helps to become part of the whole again


Helps to release fixed patterns of our thinking


Helps to adapt to new information and to be


Helps us to say who we really are


If we wonder if we are clean โ€“ Gives us the heart to continue


This essence provides emotional support to those who live too much in their heads and miss the connection with their bodies. Contributes to connect more with your body.


To provide emotional support to help us regain creative energy and to help us discover new ways without experiencing difficulty or extreme tension.


Helps us to connect with each other with everything we have learned so far and will learn.


To provide emotional support for finding out what the illusion is and contributes to helping what is real and what is not.

โ€œtake a break, relax and enjoyโ€

Diamond Light

The darkness and the light of duality merge to form a new, non-corruptible, brilliant, valuable light energy.


Indigo Essences can be ordered separately at

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